Do you have a parting anxious dog at home? Are you sure? Your dog may be bored when everyone else leaves. Have you considered this option?
Your dog may be very accustomed to being around you all the time while you are home. Then when you leave, the same dog, who you thought was sleeping with his life and not going to miss you, realizes that you are lost! This can create boredom in the dog. Bored dogs rarely misbehave as much as separation anxiety dogs.
So how do you know what your dog is experiencing: anxiety, separation, or just boredom?
- One technique is to monitor your dog using a video camera set up to record your dog’s activity while you are away. If your dog is truly experiencing anxiety from breaking up with you, it won’t take more than twenty minutes for him to start misbehaving. On the other hand, a bored dog may take longer to become bored before making a mess. You are not anxious or upset, just bored.
- The second thing to consider is the regularity of the dog’s behavior. Is your dog doing things totally out of place every time you leave him alone? Does their misconduct begin within twenty minutes of your departure? If this is the case, your dog’s behavior shows that he is anxious rather than just bored. You will likely be more destructive than a dog who is simply bored.
- Another thing to consider is how your dog will behave when preparing to leave. Excitement and a desire to be close in anticipation of your departure can indicate Treats for dog anxiety. Dogs can form bonds, and routine leave preparation events can easily be learned and quickly tied to the next step: You’re leaving! Anxious dogs are usually “on top” when trying to get out of the house.
- Should your dog sleep in the same room as you sleep in? Does she follow you all day, and always need to be where you are? These are more signs of separation anxiety. Dogs who always feel the need to be with you are actually controlled by these feelings of anxiety. Your dog cannot control separation anxiety. Dogs suffering this way need help rather than punishing their behavior.
The thing to remember is that your dog isn’t intentionally mean, he’s just scared or nervous and it’s up to you, like his mom or dad, to try to take that away from him. Prevention is the best thing to do, but in unexpected situations, understanding and reassurance will go a long way in the short term.