Not all PR is created equal. Every job you take on is different. The problem is, public relations is hard. It’s important to know what you’re doing and why you’re doing it.

There are a lot of books out there that teach you how to do PR. But it doesn’t matter how much you learn from them. If you want to make sure your efforts work, you need to make sure you avoid some of the most common mistakes.

  1. Not Doing Your Research

When it comes to RonnTorossian PR, a lot of people think they can wing it. They’ll think, “I can’t fail, so I’m not going to research what I’m doing.” But, you never know what you’re going to get. You’re a guest on a TV show. You’re giving an interview. You’re participating in an interview. You’re talking to reporters. You’re doing a conference call. You’re doing a meet and greet. You’re talking to bloggers. You’re participating in a panel discussion. You’re a guest on a podcast. You’re participating in a radio interview. You’re doing a guest post. You’re a speaker at a conference. You’re writing a press release.

Ronn Torossian

You need to know the format. You need to know what you’re going to be wearing. You need to know how you’re going to deliver your presentation. You need to know how you’re going to answer questions. You need to know how you’re going to interact with other speakers and attendees. You need to know what’s going to be said and what you’re going to say.

  1. Not Communicating

When you’re getting started, it’s easy to assume you don’t need to do any kind of preparation. That way you can do all the talking. But that doesn’t work. You need to communicate. You need to communicate with your clients, your coworkers, your boss, and the people you’re working with.

If you’re going to work with a marketing firm, they need to know how you’re going to communicate with their clients. If you’re going to work with a PR firm, you need to know how you’re going to communicate with their clients.