Milk substitute for calves has favorable conditions compared to new milk. In this article, you will learn more about the benefits of using powdered milk. Since the manufacture of calf substitutes, there have been two major identification goals. The first to reduce the cost of caring for the calf and the second to create bonds that contain edible protein.
1) Cheaper than new milk.
One reason there are alternatives to veal because farmers need a modest selection of new milk. Calf milk substitute products are made from protein and vegetable fats. These bonds are much cheaper than proteins and fats. The milk from dairy cattle that the calves need can then be introduced into the dairy chain.
The difficulties are finding moderate stabilizers and the second to meet nutritional needs such as decent nutrition and calf growth rate. The most commonly used end products are soy and wheat products.
2) Better sensitivity to the calf’s demands.
Dairy calves have different nutritional needs than veal for slaughter. A milk calf needs to build up the rumen as quickly as possible. He only needs powdered milk for the first two months of his life. Milk calves do not have to grow as fast as beef calves. Therefore, calf milk substitute for dairy calves is less high in fat.
As soon as you would expect under these conditions, the calf will recover and gather until the rumen has a chance to create something. If the calf devotes enough research and concentration, the calf can be weaned.
Then the calf stays on the lamb milk replacer again, and there is a need to quickly develop into a healthy calf with a lot of blunt meat on its body. To grow quickly, it needs a high-fat calf milk substitute for a vital growth rate.
3) The possibility of changing the substitute milk scheme for the innovative calf.
The feed requirements change depending on the age of the calf. The calf starts with the “start” milk straight from the bat. This milk is high in protein, around 20%, and low in fat, around 15-20%. Since milk calves are usually weaned at two months of age, they stay on this milk until weaning.
Calves stick to veal substitutes, and as they get spicier, their nutritional needs change too. A feeding technique often used in the veal trade is that the “final” milk gradually replaces one stage of the starting milk as calves develop more seasoned milk. The final milk powder will contain less protein and more fat.
4) Consistent quality.
When consuming new calf milk, fat, and protein values can fluctuate. It just depends on the cows you milk. It is also like the milk, especially when you have to worry about lost milk that contains antimicrobial agents or has high cell control. Veal milk substitute is stable again in terms of fat and protein content.
5) Longer storage.
Calf replacement milk is transferred in milk powder so that the capacity can last up to six months. It should be noted that they should be stored in a dry place, not just on the ground (due to the risk of moisture in powdered milk), and cared for rodents.
There is no real drive to get new milk as it is delivered twice a day. That said, it takes a lot of cooling power to keep the milk fresh, and it is more expensive to cool it down first and then reheat it later.
6) The health of the calf.
To get healthier calves, many manufacturers use some additives, such as natural acids, to lower the pH. This is because acoustic microbes function better when the pH is low, and dangerous microorganisms suffocate in an acidic world.